What is Shopify and how does it work?

If you are interested in setting up an online store or improving your online presence for your business, you have probably heard of Shopify. But what exactly is Shopify and how does it work? In this article, we will explore this e-commerce platform, highlighting its benefits, pricing, and how it compares to other solutions on the market.

What is Shopify?

Shopify is a powerful and comprehensive e-commerce platform that enables individuals and businesses to create and manage online stores easily and efficiently. Founded in 2006, this CMS has become one of the leaders in the e-commerce industry, with millions of online stores using its technology. The platform offers a wide range of tools and features to enable anyone from small entrepreneurs to large brands to start an online business.

What sets Shopify apart is its accessibility and ease of use. You do not need extensive technical knowledge to start and run an online store on Shopify, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced professionals. With an intuitive interface, you can set up your store, add products, manage inventory, accept online payments, and customize the appearance of your website without having to write a single line of code.

It also offers an ecosystem of apps and integrations that allow you to extend the functionality of your online store. This means you can tailor Shopify to your specific needs, adding features such as automated marketing, sales tracking, data analytics, and more.

Who can Shopify be useful to?

Before we delve into the technical details, let’s take a look at what Shopify is. Shopify is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms in the world. It is a comprehensive system that allows anyone, from small business owners to large brands, to create and manage an online store easily and efficiently. It is an ideal solution for those who want to sell products or services on the Internet, providing an intuitive and effective online shopping experience.

How does Shopify work?

But how does this platform actually work? The platform offers a number of tools and features that allow you to configure and customize your online store to suit your needs. You can add products, manage inventory, configure the payment process, and customize the design of your website.

Shopify’s prices

Shopify’s fees

This CMS offers different pricing options to suit the different needs of users. However, it is important to note that in addition to the monthly cost, this CMS charges transaction fees on every sale made through the platform.

Shopify Payments commissions:

Shopify Payments fees vary depending on your subscription plan, but by using this built-in payment option, you can save on credit card fees.

Shopify and Shopify Plus

In addition to the standard version, there is also Shopify Plus, a premium solution for larger businesses or those with more complex needs. Shopify Plus offers advanced features and dedicated support to handle a high volume of sales and customizations.

How much does it cost to build an e-commerce business with Shopify

1.      Dawn Theme with Shopify

If you are looking for an affordable solution to start your online store, you have the option of starting with a default theme, such as the Dawn Theme, which is an ideal option. This theme offers an affordable starting point for creating your e-commerce store. You can fully customize it according to your needs, this CMS platform offers you a wide range of customization tools to adapt the theme according to your brand and target audience.

Choosing the Dawn Theme saves you time and resources, as it is already optimized for this platform, ensuring seamless integration and functionality. You can focus on setting up your product catalog, managing orders and defining your marketing strategy, knowing that your site is supported by a solid technical foundation.

In addition, if you wish to make further customizations or make updates to your theme in the future, Shopify provides a wide range of resources, including experienced developers and an active community of users ready to help you grow your online store on Shopify.

2.      Custom Theme with Shopify Plus

If you want a fully customized design for your online store on, you can opt for a custom theme with Shopify Plus. This approach gives you maximum flexibility in design and user experience, allowing you to create a website that stands out for its originality and uniqueness.

However, it is important to keep in mind that this advanced customization will incur additional costs compared to using a default theme. It is designed for larger companies or those with more complex needs, and it offers premium services, such as dedicated support and scalability to handle a high volume of sales. Therefore, if your budget allows and you have specific design and functionality needs, Shopify Plus may be the ideal choice for creating an online store that stands out from the competition.

Remember that investing in a custom theme can translate into a significant competitive advantage, allowing you to offer a unique experience to your customers and grow your brand on Shopify significantly.

3.      Customized theme with Shopify Plus

Another highly beneficial option on Shopify Plus is the ability to customize an existing theme. This choice offers more flexibility than using the default theme and can be an ideal compromise between full customization and a smaller budget.

Customizing an existing theme on allows you to start with a solid foundation, benefiting from the built-in features and optimization for the Shopify platform. After that, you can make the necessary changes to tailor the theme to your specific needs and brand. This process offers significant benefits in terms of time and resources, as you do not have to start from scratch in designing your website.

It also gives you a higher level of support and assistance, including dedicated teams that can help you customize your existing theme, ensuring that it meets your expectations and goals. So if you want a website that fully reflects your vision and needs, but want to avoid the cost and complexity of starting from scratch, customizing an existing theme with Shopify Plus is a highly recommended choice.

Shopify’s features

Getting started with Shopify, the basic functions

Shopify provides a wide range of essential features that are critical to successfully starting and managing an online store. These include order management, which greatly simplifies the process of recording and tracking sales. In addition, Shopify offers an inventory management system that allows you to accurately track available product quantities and automatically update stock information when you make new sales.

In addition, support for online payments is a crucial feature in ecommerce. The platform offers a wide range of payment options, enabling your customers to make purchases securely and conveniently. With the integration of reliable payment gateways, you can accept payments via credit cards, PayPal and other popular options, allowing your customers to choose the method they prefer.

In addition to these key features, this platform also offers a number of tools to simplify the management of your store, such as automating processes, analyzing sales, and creating detailed reports to monitor performance. In addition, the platform supports integration with third-party apps, allowing you to further expand your store’s functionality and tailor it to your specific needs.

In essence, this CMS, provides a comprehensive package of key features and tools to start your online store efficiently and successfully, minimizing operational complexity and allowing you to focus on growing your business.

A platform designed for self-management

One of Shopify’s distinguishing features is its ease of use. It is designed to enable users to manage their online store independently, without the need for advanced technical skills.

Multichannel integrations between offline and online worlds with Shopify POS

This platform also offers Shopify POS, a solution to integrate your physical store with your online store, allowing you to easily manage both sales channels.

Planning marketing strategies

This CMS offers a number of tools for planning and implementing marketing strategies, such as email campaigns, discounts, and social media integrations that will allow you to plan Digital Marketing strategy.

Advantages and disadvantages of Shopify

Advantages of Shopify:

  1. Ease of management: One of the main advantages of Shopify is its ease of use. The platform is designed to be accessible even to users without advanced technical knowledge. You can set up your online store, add products and customize the site design without having to write code.
  2. Wide range of features: This CMS offers a wide range of built-in features. You can easily manage inventory, configure the payment process, track sales, use marketing tools and more, all from the same dashboard.
  3. Customization: Although it is easy to use, it still offers a high degree of customization. You can choose from a variety of themes and templates, modify them to reflect your brand, and integrate third-party apps to further extend functionality.
  4. Help and support: This CMS excellent customer support, with support available via chat, email and phone. In addition, there is a large user community and rich online documentation to help you with your questions.
  5. Security: This platform manages the security of your online store. The platform complies with the latest security standards and offers security certifications.

Disadvantages of Shopify:

  1. Transaction fees: One of the main disadvantages of Shopify is the transaction fees. In addition to the monthly plan fee, Shopify charges a commission on every sale made through the platform if you do not use Shopify Payments.
  2. Additional app fees: Although this piattorma offers many built-in features, some advanced functions may require the installation of third-party apps, which incur additional costs. This can increase the overall cost of your operation.
  3. Limited flexibility for some advanced customizations: If you have extremely specific needs or highly complex customization requirements, you may find yourself with limitations compared to more customizable platforms such as Magento.
  4. Dependence on Internet connection: Because it is a cloud-based solution, you need a stable Internet connection to access and manage your online store.

In general, this CMS is a versatile e commerce platform suitable for a wide range of needs. However, it is important to carefully evaluate the associated costs and consider whether it meets your specific needs before making a final decision.

Disadvantages of Shopify? As you can see, they are few.

Shopify’s advantages include its ease of management, wide range of features, and customization options. Disadvantages, though few, include transaction fees and additional costs for advanced customizations.

Comparison between Shopify and other e-commerce platforms

In addition to Shopify, there are other popular e-commerce platforms. Let’s look at a brief comparison:


Magento is undoubtedly known for its impressive power and flexibility as an e-commerce platform. However, it is important to note that this power can pose some challenges for users. Magento is designed to meet the needs of medium to large businesses, which means it offers a wide range of advanced features, but at the same time it can be complex to use, especially for those new to creating online stores.

One of the main points of focus with Magento is its learning curve. To take full advantage of the platform’s potential, it is necessary to invest time in learning its features and managing more complex technical aspects. This may require specific training or hiring experienced developers, which can incur additional costs. In addition, implementing and customizing Magento usually requires a higher budget than more user-friendly solutions such as Shopify.

However, it is important to note that for companies with advanced customization and scalability needs, Magento can be a strategic choice. Its robustness allows it to handle a high volume of products, orders and traffic, making it ideal for larger businesses. In addition, Magento is an open-source platform, which means you can have more control over the source code and customize it to meet your specific needs.

In summary, if you are willing to invest time and resources in Magento management and if you have a larger budget available, this platform can offer a powerful solution for your online store. However, for smaller businesses or those looking for a more user-friendly solution, it may be preferable to explore options such as Shopify or other e-commerce platforms.


Prestashop is an open-source platform that attracts many users because of its powerful e-commerce management system. The main attraction of Prestashop is the greater control it offers users compared to many other platforms. Because it is open-source, you have access to the source code and can customize virtually every aspect of your online store on Prestashop. This level of customization allows you to create a website tailored to your specific needs and brand.

However, there is a downside to consider: Prestashop requires ongoing work to maintain and update. Unlike some managed platforms, you will have to personally take care of managing your server, security patches, and software updates. This may require technical expertise or hiring specialized staff, which incurs additional costs.

Also, because Prestashop is open-source, you will not benefit from the dedicated support and resources offered by managed platforms such as Shopify. You will be responsible for troubleshooting technical issues and managing your online store, which could result in a significant learning curve.

Despite these challenges, Prestashop can be an excellent choice for those seeking a high degree of customization and control over their online store. However, it is important to be aware of the costs and ongoing work required to successfully maintain and grow your store on this platform.


Woocommerce is an attractive solution for those who already have a WordPress-based website and wish to expand their online business. Essentially, Woocommerce is an e-commerce plugin designed to work in synergy with WordPress, one of the most popular content management platforms in the world. This synergy offers some notable advantages.

The main attraction of Woocommerce is its compatibility with WordPress, which means you can easily turn your existing website into an online store without having to migrate or create an entirely new website. This is especially beneficial if you have already invested time and resources in building your WordPress site and want to maintain consistency in your online branding.

In addition, Woocommerce offers a high degree of flexibility and customization. You can choose from a wide range of extensions and plugins to tailor your store to your specific needs. This modularity allows you to add features such as sales tracking, social media integration, payment systems, and more.

However, it is important to note that Woocommerce may not be the ideal choice if you are looking for a fully dedicated e-commerce solution or if you plan to run a large online store. For stores with a high volume of products and sales, other platforms such as Shopify or Magento might offer greater scalability and more advanced tools.

In conclusion, Woocommerce is a solid option for those who wish to integrate an online store into an existing WordPress site. Its flexibility and compatibility with WordPress make it a convenient and affordable choice for many website owners. However, carefully consider your specific needs before making a final decision on the best e-commerce platform for your business.

Our experience developing with Shopify

In conclusion, Shopify is a solid choice for creating a successful online store. It offers a wide range of features, is easy to manage, and can be tailored to your needs. If you would like more information or support in creating your e commerce, contact us at My Web Lab. Also, if you are interested in marketing strategies for your online store, please also visit our digital marketing page.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any additional questions or assistance on your path to online success.